Sunday Super Quiz December 29, 2024

Sunday quiz December 29

1 / 20

According to the song, what did Janis Joplin ask the Lord to buy her?

Janis Joplin

2 / 20

From where does the beef cattle Angus originate?

beef cattle Angus

3 / 20

Which is the most populous city in Australia?

Australian flag

4 / 20

We know Michelangelo by his given name, but what was his surname?


5 / 20

In which city was the famous 1970s nightclub Studio 54 located?

Studio 54

6 / 20

What is the name of this children's TV series from the 1970s?


7 / 20

What is the largest lake in Peru?

Titicaca, Peru

8 / 20

In which TV series is Raymond Reddington the main character?

Raymond Reddington

9 / 20

In what sport was Alain Prost active?

Alain Prost

10 / 20

What are Annie Elizabeth, Gravenstein, and Tompkins King?

Annie Elizabeth, Gravenstein, and Tompkins King

11 / 20

A deficiency of vitamin C is the common cause of what disease?

12 / 20

What does the drink Black Russian contain?

Black Russian

13 / 20

Which of the following historical marches occurred first? (Not pictured.)

Marches - protest

14 / 20

What is the name of Italy's highest mountain?

Italiens - Frankrikes högsta berg - Mont Blanc

15 / 20

What is the name of this Disney character?

Woody - Toy Story

16 / 20

What is a Hibernophile particularly fond of?

Young man

17 / 20

Which state is marked on the map (red)?


18 / 20

Which river is known as the "River of Silver?"

Río de la Plata

19 / 20

Which period in Japanese history is known for the country's isolation from the rest of the world?


20 / 20

What are Cobol, PHP, and Fortran?

Fundersam - kvinna som tänker

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Sunday Super Quiz

Sunday Quiz
Medium / Hard

The Sunday Challenge December 29, 2024

This week’s Sunday quiz features questions about Angus beef, Alain Prost, Michelangelo, Studio 54, vitamin C, and much more.

About the Sunday Quiz

The Sunday quiz is updated weekly and covers a wide range of topics. We ensure that the questions are verified and up-to-date at publication. However, we acknowledge that some facts, such as records, awards, and the like, may change over time. Therefore, if you spot any errors later, please report them to us, and we will promptly update the question.

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