Sunday Super Quiz September 29, 2024

1 / 20

What is another word for Veisalgia?


2 / 20

Which herb has a sweet, licorice-like flavor and is often used in French and Italian dishes?


3 / 20

Which Irish author wrote the play "Waiting for Godot"?

Waiting for Godot - Beckett

4 / 20

What is the name of the lion cub who is the main character in Disney's "The Lion King"?

The Lion King

5 / 20

Which organ is primarily affected by glaucoma?

6 / 20

In which city is Graham Greene's "The Third Man" set?

Third man - Den tredje mannen

7 / 20

Which Japanese city was the first to be targeted by an atomic bomb during World War II?

8 / 20

Which 1995 action film stars Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as Miami narcotics detectives?

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence

9 / 20

Which Batman sidekick is known as the "Boy Wonder"?


10 / 20

Which movie starring Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss was released in 1975?

Roy Scheider och Richard Dreyfuss

11 / 20

Which volcano destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD?


12 / 20

Which fruit is used as a flavoring in Earl Grey tea?

Earl Grey Tea

13 / 20

Which famous battle took place in 1815 and led to Napoleon's downfall?

Battle of 1815

14 / 20

Which singer released 'Space Oddity', which became a hit in 1969?

Space Oddity

15 / 20

In which country does the Mambo dance originate?


16 / 20

Who is the author of The Prisoner of Zenda?

The Prisoner of Zenda

17 / 20

Which famous Argentinian was crucial in the Cuban Revolution in the fifties?

18 / 20

Which sport is 3x3 a variation of?


19 / 20

Which city is known for the "Peabody Ducks" that live on a hotel's rooftop and make daily treks to the lobby? 

Peabody Ducks

20 / 20

Which country is associated with the sport of Hurling?


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Sunday Super Quiz

Sunday Quiz
Medium / Hard

The Sunday Challenge September 29, 2024

This week’s Sunday quiz has questions about the Peabody Ducks, Richard Dreyfuss, the “Boy Wonder”, the play “Waiting for Godot”, Space Oddity, and much more.

About the Sunday Quiz

The Sunday quiz is updated weekly and covers a wide range of topics. We ensure that the questions are verified and up-to-date at publication. However, we acknowledge that some facts, such as records, awards, and the like, may change over time. Therefore, if you spot any errors later, please report them to us, and we will promptly update the question.

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