Sunday Super Quiz February 16, 2025

1 / 20

Which state is marked on the map (red)?


2 / 20

Between what two full-size planets was the dwarf planet Ceres found?

the dwarf planet Ceres

3 / 20

Myrmecology is the study of what insects?


4 / 20

What is the Kentucky Oaks?


5 / 20

Which of the following is a synonym for earn?

synonym earn

6 / 20

What is the title of the leader of the UN?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

7 / 20

Who is the patron saint of England?

St George

8 / 20

In what African country is Serengeti National Park?

9 / 20

From what animal would you get "Squab" meat?

Woman eating

10 / 20

In which Spanish city does the annual running of the bulls take place?


11 / 20

In medicine, what does "EKG" mean?

Sjukhuspersonal - läkare

12 / 20

"Think different" is a business slogan for which company?

13 / 20

What satirical publication has the tagline "America's Finest News Source?"

America's Finest News Source

14 / 20

What standard computer peripherals used to come in "5.25" and "3.5" variations?

Retro Mac - Computer

15 / 20

What was the name of the Apollo 11 lunar module?

Apollo 11 lunar Module

16 / 20

Whose nickname was a contraction of "satchel mouth"?

satchel mouth

17 / 20

What strait separates Tierra Del Fuego from mainland South America?

Tierra Del Fuego

18 / 20

Which character in the Harry Potter series tells Harry he is a wizard ("Yer a wizard, Harry")?

Harry Potter

19 / 20

In which Caribbean country is the capital "Port of Spain"?

Port of Spain

20 / 20

What does the "Q" mean in an "IQ Test"?

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Sunday Super Quiz

Sunday Quiz
Medium / Hard

The Sunday Challenge February 16, 2025

This week’s Super Sunday Quiz features questions about Serengeti National Park, Port of Spain, Tierra Del Fuego, Myrmecology, Apollo 11, and more.

About the Sunday Quiz

The Sunday quiz is updated weekly and covers a wide range of topics. We ensure that the questions are verified and up-to-date at publication. However, we acknowledge that some facts, such as records, awards, and the like, may change over time. Therefore, if you spot any errors later, please report them to us, and we will promptly update the question.

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