Sunday Super Quiz June 30, 2024

Questions about Lord Nelson, "The Princess Diaries", Gucci, birds, and much more ...

1 / 20

Which pasta is corkscrew-shaped?

2 / 20

In which sport is the Vince Lombardi Trophy awarded to the winning team?

3 / 20

Where is this picture taken?

4 / 20

Who is the artist behind this work?

5 / 20

Which is NOT a title of a music album by The Rolling Stones?

6 / 20

Which naval battle is British Lord Nelson best known for?

7 / 20

What does MĆ©niĆØre's disease affect?

8 / 20

Which character in the TV series "Friends" is a professional chef?

9 / 20

What did Zaire change its name to in 1997?

10 / 20

What is Arithmetic?

11 / 20

Which inland sea is east of Ireland?

12 / 20

In what musical can you hear the songs "Aquarius" and "Let the Sunshine In"

The Flesh Failures (Let the Sun Shine In)

13 / 20

Who is he?

14 / 20

What kind of spirit is included in a classic margarita?

15 / 20

What did 73-year-old Jack Palance do during his acceptance speech for the Oscar he received in 1992?

16 / 20

What is a main ingredient in a traditional Reuben Sandwich?

17 / 20

In which country is Xhosa spoken?

Language spoken

18 / 20

What was fashion designer Gucci's first name?

19 / 20

What is the name of this bird?

20 / 20

Around which fictional European country does "The Princess Diaries" revolve?

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Sunday Super Quiz

Sunday Quiz
Medium / Hard

The Sunday Challenge June 30, 2024

The June 30 Sunday quiz has questions about Lord Nelson, “The Princess Diaries“, the Vince Lombardi Trophy, Gucci, birds, musicals, and much more.

About the Sunday Quiz

The Sunday quiz is updated weekly and covers a wide range of topics. We ensure that the questions are verified and up-to-date at publication. However, we acknowledge that some facts, such as records, awards, and the like, may change over time. Therefore, if you spot any errors later, please report them to us, and we will promptly update the question.

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