Flags of Africa – The 3rd African Flag Quiz

Flags of Africa - Quiz no 3

Geography - Flag Quiz - Africa - Quiz 3

1 / 10

This is the flag of what country?

Country Flag - Africa

2 / 10

What country flag is this?

Country Flag - Africa

3 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

4 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

5 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

6 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

7 / 10

What country flag is this?

Country Flag - Africa

8 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

9 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

10 / 10

This is the flag of:

Country Flag - Africa

Your score is

The Third African Flag Quiz


Can You Name the African Countries Behind These Flags?

Welcome to the new African flag quiz that will put your knowledge of African countries to the test. This engaging challenge features a series of ten distinct flags, each representing a different African nation. Your task? Identify the countries these flags belong to.

Throughout this African flag quiz, you’ll encounter a diverse array of flags, each embedded with unique colors, symbols, and patterns that symbolize the rich history, cultural heritage, and national identity of the African nations they represent. This quiz is crafted at a medium level, offering a moderate challenge to both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts of African geography.

Africa, with its 54 recognized countries, is a continent of vibrant diversity, encompassing a tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and traditions. The flags chosen for this quiz showcase this diversity, with each flag being a visual ambassador for the country it represents. From the iconic green, white, and blue of one nation to the bold red, yellow, and green stripes of another, these flags encapsulate the essence and story of their respective countries.

Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? Let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of African flags as you uncover the countries they represent!

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