Geography Quiz: Flags of Asia – Random Questions

Asia flag quiz - random questions

Geography - Flag Quiz - Asia Random

1 / 10

This is the flag of which country?

2 / 10

This is the flag of:

3 / 10

This is the flag of:

4 / 10

This is the flag of:

5 / 10

This is the flag of:

6 / 10

This is the flag of which country?

7 / 10

This is the flag of:

8 / 10

This is the flag of:

9 / 10

This is the flag of:

10 / 10

This is the flag of:

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Asia Flag Quiz – Random Flags


Asian Countries

How many countries are there in Asia? Not all people agree on which should count as Asian countries.

United Nations list 49 countries. But they list Egypt, which many consider to be part of Africa. And they also list Georgia, Russia, and Cyprus, which many consider part of Europe.

Some countries included in our Asia quizzes but not listed by the UN are Taiwan, Palestine, Macau, and Hong Kong.

Macau and Hong Kong belong to China but still have regional flags.

Flags of Asia – 10 Random Flags

This quiz draws ten random flags from the pool of Asian country flags, which means that each time you take the quiz, it will be slightly different.

While some national flags are easy to recognize, others may be harder.

Try our other flag quizzes if you want to study and learn about country flags.

More flag quizzes

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