Ed Sheeran Lyrics Quiz – Can You Name the Song?

Ed Sheeran - Lyrics Quiz - Can You Name the Song?

Music Quiz - Ed Sheeran Lyrics Quiz

1 / 10

Darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70…

2 / 10

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

3 / 10

Maybe you could swing by my room around 10:00. Baby, bring a lemon and a bottle of gin.

4 / 10

We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in the front yard

5 / 10

White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes

6 / 10

When the sins of my father, weigh down in my soul

7 / 10

Loving can heal, Loving can mend your soul

8 / 10

The club isn't the best place to find a lover, so the bar is where I go

9 / 10

Who wants to fit in anyway?

10 / 10

When I was six years old I broke my leg

Your score is

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This Ed Sheeran Lyrics Quiz


2012 Ed Sheeran won the Brit Awards for Best British Male Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act. Since then, he has been on the charts worldwide with many hits.

How well do you know the songs of Ed Sheeran? Can you name his songs as a solo artist or in collaboration with others by just a line or two from the lyrics?

Try this challenging quiz and see if you are a real Ed Sheeran enthusiast.

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